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Resources and tools

Providing for the diverse needs of our community creates an inclusive campus community that meets the needs of people from a variety of abilities. The university has developed the resources below to provide students, staff and faculty with tools to promote equitable and barrier-free access to education, employment, physical spaces, products and services.

If you have any questions, or if you have suggested resources to add to this section, please contact

Information and Communications

The Accessibility Working Group (AWG) at Ontario Tech University would like to thank the City of Peterborough for allowing us to reproduce content from their publication entitled Guide to Accessible Documents (2018). Thank you to the City of Peterborough for supporting our own accessibility work. Accessible formats or communication supports for this document are available upon request. Please contact

Ontario Tech Guide to Accessible Documents 

Word Document PDF 

The Ontario Tech Library provides equitable access to a full range of services, resources and facilities for all students, including:

  • Alternate formats for print material via ACE, our Accessible Content E-Portal
  • Research help from your dedicated subject Librarian
  • Adaptive technology workstation which includes Kurzweil 3000, ZoomText and Read and Write

Visit the Library Accessibility website to learn how to use these services or contact for more information.


Teaching and Learning

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework that provides a set of practices based on cognitive neuroscience and inclusive pedagogy which optimizes teaching and learning in any learning environment. For more information, please visit the Teaching and Learning Centre’s website.

Word Document PDF

Accessible Procurement

The Accessibility Working Group at Ontario Tech University would like to thank Dr. Olga Osis for allowing us to reproduce content from the publication entitled Ontario Colleges AODA Procurement Toolkit (2014). Accessible formats or communication supports for this document are available upon request. Please contact

Accessible Procurement Documents 

Word DoCument PDF 


For Students

Student Accessibility Services will support students with disabilities who require accommodations as legally required by the Ontario Human Rights Code. The university is committed to facilitating accommodations for students with disabilities. Supports may include, but are not limited to, alternative testing arrangements, FM hearing systems, note takers, training and access to computers and adaptive software, alternative text formats, interpreters, counselling, and learning strategies instruction. Students can access more information by visiting Student Accessibility Services.


For Faculty and Staff

The Human Resources team is committed to supporting university employees with disabilities throughout the employment lifecycle by providing guidance and supports to address barriers in the workplace.  For more information, visit the Human Resource’s Accessibility page.